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Strength Training at Home: Exercises for a Power Tower Workout

Strength Training at Home: Exercises for a Power Tower Workout

Linda Li |

Power Tower

I want to shout from the highest tower at every hour about the Zelus Power Tower! It is a full body weight gym that only requires a few feet of your home, garage, or backyard - at a powerfully affordable price. Dips, leg lifts, inverted sit-ups, pullups, bench presses, push ups...the list could go on forever. The power tower is our most multifunctional at home gym equipment option for any level of fitness, and no two workouts will ever be the same. 


Strength Training at Home

Let’s start from the ground up and see why the power tower is what you need to empower your strength training at home. The sleek, high functional design doesn’t just look good but will be your durable, body building tower for the long haul. The bar height is also adjustable, so as your 

workouts grow, so can the tower. Our heavy-duty base is made for 441lb capacity and the 4 anti-slide feet keep you safe so you can focus on doing that extra rep. Speaking of working up a sweat, our sweat-free cushions on the bench and elbow rests maximizes comfort and minimizes sweat - even on the hottest of days. 


Power Tower Workout

Now, that you know about the power within the tower, let’s get to unleashing the power within you with a power tower workout! 

  • Pull ups and chin ups and holds. If pull ups scare you right back to sitting on the couch, then start with a chin hold. Grip the bar, pull yourself up to your chin and hold. Hold for 5 seconds, hold for 50 seconds. Do what you can and always remember the goal is just to be stronger than yesterday. If you are ready for more of a challenge start with 5 pull ups and then switch to chin ups (switching your arms around). Both exercises are amazing for strengthening your back, arm, and shoulder muscles while improving grip strength and even mental health. A recent study found that doing new strength training helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms while improving cognitive function. 


  • Leg or Knee raises. After just a few you will notice an insane burning feeling in your core! Start with putting your knees together and lifting both at the same time for 5 reps. If this is too easy, straighten out your legs and lift them up so that your body becomes a 90 degree angle. Your arms should be in the same shape resting on the elbow pads. Once you get the hang of it, mix it up. Bring one leg up at a time, bring knees together and wave them from side to side. Whatever you do - it will definitely get you closer to the ab and core strength you are craving. 


  • Dips: Grip the side bars just in front of you and start with just holding your body up. Just holding your own weight up is an amazing overall body strength exercise. If you can handle a bigger rush, then dip down, slowly, and feel your arms getting stronger every second you are dipping. Do 5 dips, take a short break, and then do 5 more going even lower. Repeat.


  • The bench: if you got the dip and bench edition then pop on and explore the endless possibilities. Bench press a medicine ball and then crunch up and to twist with the ball still in hand. Secure your feet in the sit-up straps and do inverted sit-ups that will be far superior than any sit-up you have ever done in the past. 


  • Pushups: at the bottom you will find two handles to do push ups that truly workout your whole body while being nice to your wrists. Do 10 pushups and embrace the badass you are. You just did an epic power tower workout! Bam! 


What is a power tower exercise that you have invented? Let’s hear it on our Instagram!

Author Bio: Jenny Woudenberg is a yoga teacher, mom, surf therapist, that friend who always loves doing something active, children’s book author, at home fitness innovator, and a human-focused marketer. Jump into Jenny's world: ​JennyWoudenberg.com